Jerry Milos

As an owner of several businesses over the last 30 years it was always my dream to combine my entrepreneurial spirit with my love for the outdoors.
After befriending Scott Bast and with the formation of Takedown Outdoors that dream was realized. Our main goal at TO is “to get to the heart” of every outdoor adventure, to peel back the anticipation and excitement and get to the real story, the human side of the hunt.
Filming these hunts and fishing excursions has lead to multiple appearances on Deer and Deer Hunting TV, NBC Sports, as well as sharing these adventures on our Webisodes, YouTube and in person at various outdoor events over the years.
The road that lead me here is one with an early start as a young boy chasing small game with a homemade slingshot, which eventually gave way to upland game shooting beginning in my early teens. Big Game hunting is my favorite outdoor pursuit and years of hunting with my Bear recurve trained me well in the valuable skills of patience and persistence. When I made the transition to the compound bow those skills remained a great asset but the tags were filled more often.
As the years have passed, the experiences I’ve had in the great outdoors and the stories shared with my family and friends have always been my greatest joy. It’s the stories and their message that will change our world!

The following is a list of accomplishments and initiatives that we have completed at Takedown Outdoors since its inception that are part of my professional progress :
- Inner City Youth Outreach Programs
- Outdoors Show Featured Speakers
- Community and Church Speaking Engagements
- Seminar Speaker
- Conceptual Development of new tools for the outdoor industry
- Marketing of outdoor products companies
- Corporate outdoor shoots and events
My first experiences in the outdoors came at young age while living just outside of Parkersburg, West Virginia . I found my passion for the outdoors wandering the hills catching frogs, crawfish, and turtles while dodging the occasional copperhead snake. My father would take me out to shoot guns and explore the vast woods of that area. It’s those engrained memories that keep me going outside. I’m sure those hikes in the back hills are the reason why elk hunting in the Rockies calls out to me so deeply even today.
After a short stay in Buffalo, New York, our family moved to Chicago where obviously the available outdoor experiences were limited. My hunts were now reduced to chasing squirrels and birds with a sling shot in the alleys and front yards of my northwest side neighborhood. As a special treat my grandfather and dad would take me out twice a year pheasant and rabbit hunting in LaSalle County, Illinois.
Our family bought a place in the north woods of Wisconsin with forty acres. It’s there that I was reintroduced to the outdoors in a big way! I took my first deer with a 30-30 rifle on that small parcel in the forest and with that shot started my major passion in life (besides my wife and kids). In 1982 I picked up a used Bear recurve bow for $100.00 and began chasing whitetails up north and the rural areas of northwest Illinois.
Since then I have hunted for Whitetail Deer all over the country including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and New York . I’ve been fortunate to take multiple Black Bear in Alberta, Ontario, and Maine. Elk Hunting in Colorado and New Mexico are some of my favorite memories. Recently, I’ve included a video camera in my backpack to document every outdoor encounter. I hope to use my past experience and drive to capture the essence of the hunt, and bring that to Takedown Outdoors with the main goal to entertain while attracting new participants in outdoor pursuits.
I’ve been blessed with an understanding wife, Phyllis, who fortunately loves to prepare venison for our five children; Justin, Jenna, Marisa, Madeline, and Jack. I am thankful every day that she has never taken the time to figure out how much that venison really costs us!
When not working or enjoying the outdoors, I am coaching wrestling and football, or cheering on my kids.