The Ziggy Boys

We are the Ziggy boys! Our dad started taking each of us hunting as soon as we could walk. He began teaching us Hunter Safety right from the start. We’ve been hunting together ever since, not only for the hunt itself but for the companionship and enjoyment found in the great outdoors.
We enjoyed hunting goose, rabbit, pheasant, coyote, deer and anything else that had a hunting season. We began videotaping each other when we were just kids. It was something that we all enjoyed and it allowed us to share our hunts with our friends. Now, we can share our experiences and outdoor adventures with the entire Takedown Nation.
These days, each of us have our different jobs and some are starting families, which makes it a little harder to hunt. But, we still try to seize every opportunity we can to hunt and fish together. After all these years we still don’t always agree with each others’ hunting techniques, so we explore each others theories. Of course, this adds to the adventure, in addition to the teasing and laughter.

During the hunting down time we switch over to equestrian activities. We have horses so we are involved with county fairs, ranch sorting and a cowboy church ministry. Our schedule is always full of events, which we enjoy spending with family and friends. Between the hunting and equestrian adventures, we feel blessed to be able to share them with so many new people.
Just like our parents did for us, we want to take our PASSION for the outdoors and PASS IT ON to whoever we come in contact with.