By: David Buchanan In the past, post-stretching was shown to be lacking as a viable means for a warm-up. The use of an active muscular contraction was proven to be an acceptable replacement for stretching. In the proceeding articles, a program that uses an active muscular contraction will be discussed. The program is called D1ROM, an acronym standing for Desirable Prime (represented by the prime sign (1) in mathematics signalizing distinction), Range Of Motion. As an active outdoorsman, D1ROM is a preferred form to begin a functional training program. D1ROM is actually a type of motor learning that requires sensible application of a means rather than a mindless striving for the end. It becomes an educated emphasis on form and precision of movement rather than the slumped body posture assumed during non-efficient activity. D1ROM is a program that strives for relation and synergy. Relation means that the D1ROM should functionally represent that activity that one is preparing for, while synergy denotes control of the body, appendages, implements, etc… through time and space. The D1ROM method focuses on the synthesis (putting together) of activity as opposed to the creation (making something out of nothing). To be able to synthesize within D1ROM one must first begin by mastering singular function and then progress to complex function. This type of progression builds upon the body’s kinetic (movement) linkage. A warm-up should be a continual building and learning process. To help understand this progression of joint movements I have put together a small glossary of terms to explain the categories of motion. There are three categories of joint movement progressions: 1) Element- Which are joint actions in which a single joint is involved – e.g. elbow flexion and extension. 2) Compound- Joint actions in which two joints are concurrently involved – e.g. elbow flexion along with wrist flexion 3) Complex- Joint actions are the synthesis of many joints acting in accordance – e.g. finger flexion, wrist flexion, elbow flexion, shoulder flexion, all working together. This would also be where we could explain the many movements that you need to use to be a successful hunter; hiking, climbing, crawling etc The culmination of D1ROM always focuses on the goal of progressing to complex joint actions with the prerequisite being synergy and stability of all movements first. When complete, the D1ROM formula is Strength (stability over all joints within a potential range of motion) + Synergy (control of all segments within a desired range of motion) = D1ROM. In the next article, we will begin to show some of the exercises as we build your program.   Dave is a registered Kinesiotherapist with 29 yrs. of experience.  He has helped over 100 college athletes transition to the NFL.

10155491_702808959758016_1514914086801912879_a David Buchanan
Chicago Fit Life

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