Greg Zigtema
I was born and raised in the southern suburbs of Chicago, just outside of Monee. I am
the second oldest of five, three brothers and one sister. As a kid, I remember tagging along with
my dad, Brian, while he hunted. He gave me my first gun, it was a BB gun. It was our “training
gun.” I got my first hunting license and real gun, a single shot 20 gauge, at the age of 10.
Growing up my brothers and I went hunting every chance we got. We hunted everything
from deer to rabbits and water fowl. We still to this day keep records of each person’s kills for
the season, a never ending contest to see who gets the most game. Even my sister does a little
hunting from time to time. For a while we raised pheasants and quail to sell to other hunters.
I don’t get out as much as I would like to anymore. I own my own excavating & trucking
company that keeps me busy when the weather is good. I am married and have one daughter,
Kylie, whom I look forward to hunting with in the future. Every year though I do manage to put
meat in the freezer, with some nice mature bucks I have taken. I have recently taken a nice 8
pointer this year with my compound bow.
My favorite thing about hunting is hanging out with my friends and brothers. I really like
being able to bring new people along and get them hooked on hunting. It may start with some
target shooting in the back yard, but eventually we get them out into the field. That it is what I
hope to accomplish with Takedown Outdoors, introducing new people, young and old, to the